Yes, it’s true. My bookshelves are overflowing with the wisdom of people I respect. John C. Maxwell, Stephen R. Covey, Jeffrey Gitomer, Patti Digh, Seth Godin, Dan Roam. These resources have seen me through the instructional design of successful workshops, challenging consulting assignments and professional development. The topics range from leadership, sales, communication, productivity, creativity and Life.

If we meet and I recommend a book for you, be sure I have marked my copy with a yellow highlighter and placed post-it notes in sections I use consistently.

If you’re an Auditory (that’s a style from the concept of neuro linguistic programming/NLP), you may prefer CDs. Yes, I have a bunch of those as well.

So what area of your professional life needs a boost? If may be served by attending a workshop or webinar. And it certainly can be supported with a great book by one of the preeminant thought leaders on the subject.

Let’s talk.