Professonal development

/Professonal development

What are you practicing today?

I had an aunt who lived to 99 years old. I remember on her 98th birthday, as we all sang Happy Birthday to her, she looked around and said, “It goes so quickly.  There’s still so MUCH to learn.” In part, because of that profound lesson in that moment, I begin every workshop I teach [...]

My Name is Jeanne and I’m a Bookaholic

Yes, it's true. My bookshelves are overflowing with the wisdom of people I respect. John C. Maxwell, Stephen R. Covey, Jeffrey Gitomer, Patti Digh, Seth Godin, Dan Roam. These resources have seen me through the instructional design of successful workshops, challenging consulting assignments and professional development. The topics range from leadership, sales, communication, productivity, creativity [...]

Move It!

The studies are in.  Sitting at your desk all day is more harmful to your health than ANY other negative thing you can do.  Worse than smoking or eating transfats.  The average American spends more than half of their waking hours on their rears.  In older adults, the number is 60%.  Think about it.  The [...]